127 Years Ago Today: London’s First Drunk Driver Arrested | Giga Gears

The First Drunk Driver Arrested in London: A Historic Moment

London, September 10, 1897 – a day that would go down in history as the first recorded arrest for drunk driving. It all began when 25-year-old London cabbie George Smith, under the influence of alcohol, crashed his vehicle into a building at 165 New Bond Street. Little did he know that this incident would mark a significant turning point in the fight against drunk driving.

The Absence of Breathalyzers

It’s hard to imagine a time when breathalyzers didn’t exist, but it wasn’t until 56 years later that the first breathalyzer was invented. Prior to this, law enforcement had to rely on other methods to determine a driver’s level of intoxication. George Smith’s arrest was made solely on the observations of the police officers present at the scene.

A Landmark Moment

George Smith’s arrest may have been the first, but it certainly wasn’t the last. His case served as a wake-up call to authorities and the public alike, highlighting the dangers of drunk driving. It marked the beginning of a long battle to combat this reckless behavior and protect innocent lives.

Today, we have advanced technologies like breathalyzers and strict laws in place to deter and punish drunk drivers. However, it’s important to remember the significance of that fateful day in 1897 when George Smith became the first person to be arrested for drunk driving. It was a pivotal moment that set the stage for the ongoing fight against this dangerous offense.

To learn more about this historic event, read more here.

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