140 MPH Motorcycle Chase Raises Concerns About Police Pursuit Tactics and Safety | Giga Gears

Title: Reckless Police Pursuit Raises Questions About Public Safety


A recent police pursuit in Arkansas has sparked controversy and raised concerns about the tactics used during high-speed chases. The nearly twenty-minute pursuit, captured on dashcam video, highlights the risks faced by both the suspect and innocent bystanders. This article delves into the incident, examining the conflicting approaches taken by law enforcement agencies and the potential dangers posed to public safety.

The Pursuit and Risky Tactics

The Arkansas State Police engaged in a pursuit that involved a suspected speeder. Trooper Matthew Walker can be seen speeding along residential streets in an attempt to catch up with the fleeing rider. As the pursuit begins, Walker activates his lights and sirens, signaling the start of a dangerous chase.

Throughout the pursuit, the rider and officers put themselves and bystanders at risk. The video footage shows the rider exhibiting unfamiliarity with the motorcycle, using unconventional techniques such as sticking his foot out during turns. Concerned for public safety, one officer is heard saying, “Lay that bike down bitch.” However, despite the risks, the rider manages to evade capture.

High-Speed Chase on the Highway

The pursuit escalates as it moves onto the highway, with Officer Walker reaching speeds of 140 mph (225 km/h) and beyond. The cruiser passes numerous bystanders on both sides of the road, endangering their lives. At one point, Walker is heard saying, “Come on dude let me hit you,” suggesting a reckless disregard for safety.

Eventually, after 19 minutes of pursuit, the rider crashes in the center median of the highway. However, the officers fail to notice the crash and continue driving until they realize what has happened. They turn around and drive in the median to resume the chase. By the time they catch up, the suspect has already crossed to the opposing side of the highway and fled into the woods.

The Cost of Public Safety

After six minutes of searching on foot, the troopers give up and return empty-handed. This raises the question of whether the high-speed pursuit, with its inherent risks to innocent bystanders, was worth the potential harm caused. The pursuit took place at high speeds among unsuspecting members of the public, posing a significant danger.

Controversy and Safety Considerations

It is important to note that Arkansas State Police officers are not always required to use lights and sirens during pursuits. In this case, the officer exceeded the speed limit without any warning signs, further raising concerns about public safety. Determining what is considered “safe” in such situations is a complex matter.


The recent police pursuit in Arkansas has ignited a debate about the tactics employed during high-speed chases and their impact on public safety. While it is crucial to apprehend criminals, it is equally important to minimize the risks faced by innocent bystanders. Striking a balance between law enforcement objectives and public safety remains a challenge that requires careful consideration and review of existing pursuit protocols.

Image Credit: Police Pursuits

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