1958 Motorsport Archive: On This Day

The Hair-Raising 1958 Monaco Grand Prix: A Sign of a New Era for Formula 1

In 1958, the Monaco Grand Prix was a thrilling and dangerous race that signaled a new era for Formula 1. Unlike today’s race, where the cars are too large and the track is too narrow for overtaking, the cars in 1958 resembled bathtubs and there were no barriers guarding the fans, buildings, harbor, or pits. The track was also different, with only three straights joined by a kink and a wide hairpin, where today there are nine tricky turns.

Qualifying for the race saw Vanwall, BRM, Cooper, and Ferrari all looking like contenders, while Cooper privateer Rob Walker Racing was a dark horse. However, an unknown youngster named Ecclestone failed to qualify with his Connaught. All the cars made it through lap one unscathed except for Roy Salvadori, whose Vanwall broke its steering after contact with another car. Meanwhile, the scarlet car of Jean Behra led the race.

Mike Hawthorn’s car soon moved into second place, passing pole man Tony Brooks, whose Vanwall promptly spat out a spark plug. On lap 27, Hawthorn took the lead but was soon challenged by Stirling Moss in another Vanwall. However, Moss’s car went awry, and Hawthorn’s tank split, giving the lead to Walker’s Maurice Trintignant.

Trintignant then kept the surviving Ferraris at bay to win the race. This second victory for the light, rear-engined Cooper signaled that a new era of F1 was dawning.

H2: The Danger of Racing in 1958 Monaco

The Monaco Grand Prix in 1958 was a dangerous race due to the lack of safety barriers. Fans could stand right next to the track, and buildings, harbor, and pits were also unprotected. The cars themselves were also less safe, resembling bathtubs with little protection for the driver.

H2: Qualifying for the 1958 Monaco Grand Prix

Qualifying for the 1958 Monaco Grand Prix saw Vanwall, BRM, Cooper, and Ferrari all looking like contenders. However, Cooper privateer Rob Walker Racing was a dark horse, while an unknown youngster named Ecclestone failed to qualify with his Connaught.

H2: The Race Begins

All the cars made it through lap one unscathed except for Roy Salvadori, whose Vanwall broke its steering after contact with another car. Meanwhile, the scarlet car of Jean Behra led the race.

H2: Mike Hawthorn Takes the Lead

Mike Hawthorn’s car soon moved into second place, passing pole man Tony Brooks, whose Vanwall promptly spat out a spark plug. On lap 27, Hawthorn took the lead but was soon challenged by Stirling Moss in another Vanwall.

H2: Drama and Trintignant’s Victory

However, Moss’s car went awry, and Hawthorn’s tank split, giving the lead to Walker’s Maurice Trintignant. Trintignant then kept the surviving Ferraris at bay to win the race. This second victory for the light, rear-engined Cooper signaled that a new era of F1 was dawning.

H2: Conclusion

The 1958 Monaco Grand Prix was a thrilling and dangerous race that signaled a new era for Formula 1. The lack of safety barriers and the less safe cars made it a hair-raising event. However, Trintignant’s victory in the light, rear-engined Cooper showed that a new era of F1 was dawning.

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