2023’s Worst Truck Trends: Unveiling the Unfavorable

The Demise of Reasonably-Sized Pickup Trucks: A Bitter Pill for Truck Enthusiasts


In recent years, truck enthusiasts have been witnessing a disheartening trend in the automotive industry – the gradual disappearance of reasonably-sized pickup trucks. This unfortunate development has left many longing for the days when trucks were more compact and practical. In 2023, Jalopnik readers voiced their concerns and frustrations about the worst trends affecting full- and midsize trucks. Let’s delve into these issues and explore why the loss of reasonably-sized pickup trucks is a bitter pill to swallow for truck lovers.

1. The Rise of Gigantic Trucks:

Heading: The Growing Size Disparity

One of the most prominent trends that Jalopnik readers lamented was the ever-increasing size of full- and midsize trucks. Over the years, trucks have ballooned in size, transforming from practical workhorses into mammoth vehicles that dominate the road. This size disparity has led to numerous problems, including difficulties maneuvering in tight spaces, parking challenges, and increased fuel consumption. The loss of reasonably-sized pickup trucks means that consumers are left with limited options, forcing them to either adapt to these behemoth vehicles or seek alternative transportation solutions.

2. Lack of Fuel Efficiency:

Heading: Thirsty Giants on the Road

Another major concern raised by Jalopnik readers is the lack of fuel efficiency in larger trucks. As trucks have grown in size, so too has their thirst for fuel. These gas-guzzling giants not only contribute to environmental degradation but also hit consumers’ wallets hard with their insatiable appetite for gasoline. Reasonably-sized pickup trucks, on the other hand, were known for their better fuel economy, making them a more sustainable and cost-effective choice for many truck enthusiasts.

3. Limited Maneuverability:

Heading: Navigating Tight Spaces

One of the key advantages of reasonably-sized pickup trucks was their maneuverability. These trucks were designed to handle tight spaces with ease, making them ideal for urban environments and crowded parking lots. However, the trend towards larger trucks has made maneuvering a challenging task. Parking becomes a nightmare, and navigating through narrow streets becomes an exercise in patience. The loss of reasonably-sized pickup trucks has left many truck owners feeling frustrated and restricted in their daily lives.

4. Accessibility and Affordability:

Heading: The Price of Progress

Reasonably-sized pickup trucks were once known for their accessibility and affordability. They provided an entry point for truck enthusiasts who desired the utility and versatility of a pickup without breaking the bank. However, the shift towards larger trucks has resulted in a corresponding increase in price. These massive trucks come with hefty price tags, making them out of reach for many potential buyers. The loss of reasonably-sized pickup trucks means that a significant portion of the market is left underserved, forcing consumers to compromise or seek alternative options.

5. Environmental Impact:

Heading: A Heavy Carbon Footprint

The environmental impact of larger trucks cannot be ignored. With their poor fuel efficiency and increased emissions, these behemoths contribute significantly to carbon emissions and air pollution. Reasonably-sized pickup trucks offered a more environmentally friendly option, with better fuel economy and reduced emissions. Their disappearance from the market is a step backward in the fight against climate change and sustainable transportation.


The loss of reasonably-sized pickup trucks is a bitter pill for truck enthusiasts to swallow. The rise of gigantic trucks, lack of fuel efficiency, limited maneuverability, increased prices, and negative environmental impact are all factors that have contributed to the frustration expressed by Jalopnik readers. As the automotive industry continues to prioritize size and power over practicality and efficiency, it is crucial to remember the value that reasonably-sized pickup trucks once provided. It is our hope that manufacturers will listen to the concerns of truck enthusiasts and reintroduce reasonably-sized options that cater to a wider range of consumers. Until then, truck lovers will continue to mourn the loss of these beloved vehicles.

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