2024 Toyota Land Cruiser in Major Crash | Giga Gears

The First Reported Accident Involving a 2024 Toyota Land Cruiser in the U.S.


A brand-new 2024 Toyota Land Cruiser First Edition has been totaled in the first reported accident in the U.S. This unfortunate incident has raised concerns about the safety of the vehicle and its occupants.

Details of the Accident

Photos of the damaged Land Cruiser have surfaced online, showing the extent of the damage. The crash occurred on U.S. soil, but the exact location is unknown. The images focus solely on the SUV, obscuring any other vehicles involved in the accident.

Damage Assessment

The Land Cruiser appears to be a First Edition model with a black exterior. The front end has been severely damaged, exposing the engine internals. The vehicle has lost its headlight, hood, fender, and door skin, with a shattered windshield.

Speculations and Conclusions

Speculations suggest that the SUV may have sideswiped a semi-truck, leading to the extensive upper body damage. The powertrain and A-pillar have also been significantly affected. Given the high cost of repairs, it is likely that the vehicle will be declared totaled.

Insurance and Market Value

The base MSRP for a 2024 Toyota Land Cruiser First Edition is $74,950. With dealer markups reaching up to $30,000, finding a replacement might be challenging. Hopefully, the owner’s insurance will cover the damages incurred in this unfortunate accident.


While the extent of injuries remains unknown, the condition of the cabin offers some hope for the safety of the driver and passengers. We can only hope that they emerged from this incident unharmed despite the severe damage to the vehicle.

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