25% of New Cars Sold in Q2 2023 in California were Zero-Emission Vehicles

California Leads the Way in Zero-Emission Vehicle Sales

California has long been known as a hub for electric vehicles (EVs) and fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs), and recent data confirms its position as a leader in zero-emission vehicle sales. In the second quarter of 2023, zero-emission vehicles accounted for an impressive 25.4% of new car sales in the state, setting the stage for the ambitious goal of achieving a 100% share by 2035.

According to data from the California Energy Commission, a total of 125,939 zero-emission vehicles were sold in Q2 2023. This milestone brings the cumulative ZEV sales in California to an impressive 1,623,211 units, surpassing the 1.5 million mark two years ahead of schedule. The announcement was made by Governor Gavin Newsom’s office, highlighting the state’s commitment to a sustainable transportation future.

Electric vehicles took the lead among zero-emission vehicles, with 103,516 units sold in Q2. This represents the majority share of ZEV sales in California. The EV market share has been steadily increasing in the Golden State, rising from 12% in 2021 to 18% in 2022. Experts predict that it will continue to grow and exceed 20% in 2023, further solidifying California’s position as a leader in the EV market.

While electric vehicles dominate the ZEV sales, fuel cell electric vehicles also saw a notable increase in sales. In Q2 2023, a total of 1,076 FCEVs were sold, marking the highest number recorded in history. This represents a significant 34% increase compared to the same period last year. The Toyota Mirai accounted for the majority of FCEV sales with 1,054 units, while the Hyundai Nexo made up the remaining 40 units. It’s worth noting that California is currently the only place in the United States where FCEVs are available.

The EV Market Report by Veloz reveals that California accounts for an impressive 34% of all new zero-emission vehicle sales in the United States. This can be attributed to the state’s generous incentives and well-developed infrastructure, which make it an attractive market for EV buyers. However, critics argue that the environmental impact of producing electric vehicles should not be overlooked, as there are hidden carbon emissions associated with their manufacturing process.

California’s commitment to zero-emission vehicles aligns with its broader efforts to combat climate change and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The state aims to achieve carbon neutrality by 2045, and the transition to electric and fuel cell vehicles plays a crucial role in reaching this goal. With the continued growth of the EV market and the increasing availability of charging infrastructure, California is well on its way to becoming a global leader in sustainable transportation.

In conclusion, California’s impressive ZEV sales in Q2 2023 demonstrate its position as a frontrunner in the transition to zero-emission vehicles. With EVs leading the way and FCEVs also gaining traction, the state is making significant progress towards its goal of achieving a 100% share of zero-emission vehicle sales by 2035. As California continues to invest in clean transportation infrastructure and incentivize the adoption of electric vehicles, it sets an example for other states and countries looking to reduce their carbon footprint and create a sustainable future.

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