6.4 Million Cars in U.S. Still Have Deadly Takata Airbags

The Lingering Issue of Takata Airbags on U.S. Roads

Despite efforts to address the issue, Takata airbags remain a significant safety concern for drivers in the United States. These airbags, known for their potential to release shrapnel upon deployment, pose a serious risk to occupants in the event of a crash.

High Concentration in Humid States

Alarmingly, some of the most humid states in the country have a disproportionately high number of vehicles with unfixed Takata airbags. Nearly half of all affected vehicles can be found in these states, putting countless drivers and passengers at risk.

If you want to learn more about the ongoing challenges posed by Takata airbags and the latest updates on efforts to address this issue, read more here.

![Takata Airbags](https://gigagears.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/6-4-million-cars-in-u-s-still-have-deadly-takata-airbags.jpg)

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