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Are You Easily Startled at Work? Maybe Being a Cop Isn’t for You

Many people feel jumpy and nervous in their workplace, especially when it comes to loud noises. However, if you are the type of person who gets easily spooked, perhaps a career that involves carrying a loaded weapon and patrolling the streets is not the best fit for you. This is something that Florida law enforcement officers may want to consider, especially after a recent incident involving a cop in Florida.

A video surfaced this week showing a Florida police officer firing his weapon in a situation that could have been avoided. The officer’s reaction to a seemingly routine encounter raises questions about his ability to handle high-pressure situations calmly and effectively.

If you find yourself getting anxious or scared easily, it may be worth reconsidering a career in law enforcement. The job requires a level head and the ability to stay calm under pressure, qualities that not everyone possesses. It’s important to assess your own strengths and weaknesses before pursuing a career that involves potentially dangerous situations.

To learn more about this incident and other news stories, click here.

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