Amazon Airport Workers Forced to Work in Extreme Heat Without Shade

**Cal/OSHA Cites Amazon for Exposing Workers to Dangerous Heat Conditions**

The California Occupational Safety and Health Administration (Cal/OSHA) recently issued three citations to Amazon for putting its workers at risk of extreme heat exposure at San Bernardino International Airport. Despite the hazardous conditions, the online retail giant was fined a mere $14,625 for failing to provide adequate shade for employees working on the airport tarmac.

**Amazon’s Negligence in Providing Safe Working Conditions**

According to Cal/OSHA, Amazon’s workers were left to toil in temperatures exceeding 100 degrees Fahrenheit without proper protection from the scorching heat. This lack of consideration for employee safety raises serious concerns about Amazon’s commitment to ensuring a safe work environment for its workers.

**Taking Action Against Unsafe Workplace Practices**

It is crucial for companies like Amazon to prioritize the well-being of their employees and take proactive measures to prevent heat-related illnesses and injuries. Cal/OSHA’s citations serve as a reminder that all employers must adhere to strict safety regulations to protect their workforce from potential harm.

**Learn More About Amazon’s Violations**

For more information on Amazon’s violations and Cal/OSHA’s response, click [here](

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