Amazon Truck Driver Speeds Down Sidewalk at 35 MPH | Giga Gears

Amazon Truck Caught Driving on Sidewalk in Georgia

Amazon truck driving on sidewalk

A shocking video has emerged showing an Amazon delivery truck driving on a sidewalk in Georgia. The incident, which took place earlier this month, was captured by a passing driver and has since gone viral. This reckless behavior has resulted in the driver losing their job.

Concerns over Amazon Delivery Vans

Amazon’s delivery vans have been making headlines recently for all the wrong reasons. Reports of these vehicles catching fire have raised concerns about their safety. The incident of an Amazon truck driving on a sidewalk only adds to the growing list of issues surrounding these delivery vans.

Repercussions for the Driver

Unsurprisingly, the driver responsible for this dangerous act has faced severe consequences. Amazon has terminated their employment, highlighting the company’s commitment to ensuring the safety of its customers and the public.

Public Outrage and Safety Concerns

The video of the Amazon truck driving on a sidewalk has sparked outrage among the public. Many are questioning the training and supervision provided to Amazon’s delivery drivers. Safety concerns regarding these vehicles and the potential risks they pose to pedestrians and other drivers are being raised.


This incident serves as a reminder of the importance of responsible driving and the need for companies like Amazon to prioritize safety. It also highlights the power of video footage in holding individuals and corporations accountable for their actions. As the public demands safer practices, it is crucial for companies to address these concerns and take appropriate measures to ensure the well-being of everyone on the road.

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