Andretti Missed F1 Meeting Email Due to Spam Folder | Giga Gears

Formula 1 Rejects Andretti Global’s Cadillac-Backed Application

Last week, Formula 1 made the decision to reject Andretti Global’s application to join the sport. The rejection was based on various reasons, one of which was the belief that Andretti-Cadillac would not be competitive. However, there is another factor that contributed to the failure of negotiations between Andretti and F1.

According to the Associated Press, F1 rejected Andretti’s application because it ended up in the spam folder. This means that Andretti never received the email about the F1 meeting, resulting in a missed opportunity for collaboration.

Andretti Global, backed by Cadillac, had expressed interest in joining Formula 1. However, F1 officials were not convinced of their competitiveness. Despite this setback, Andretti Global remains committed to exploring other opportunities in the world of motorsports.

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