Apple lays off 614 workers and cancels electric car project

Apple Lays Off 614 Workers After Canceling Electric Car Project

First Significant Layoffs for Apple Since COVID-19

Apple has laid off 614 employees, primarily working on Project Titan, marking the first significant wave of layoffs for the tech company since the onset of the pandemic. This decision follows the shutdown of Apple’s self-driving car project after a decade of development due to challenges and changing priorities.

Transitioning to Artificial Intelligence Initiatives

With Project Titan scrapped, Apple is reportedly prioritizing artificial intelligence initiatives over self-driving cars. The company filed documents with the state of California detailing the layoffs and the end of its automobile development program.

The End of an Era

Although never officially confirmed, Apple’s car project, known as the “Apple iCar,” was in development for a decade. However, after years of indecision and falling behind in the automotive industry, Apple made the tough decision to shut down the program in February.

Project Titan’s Demise

The demise of Project Titan, dubbed “Project Titanic” by insiders, was not a surprise. The project faced challenges in gaining momentum and lacked clear direction, leading to its ultimate demise. Apple has now shifted its focus to AI endeavors.

Impact on Employees

The layoffs affected employees across various locations, with a significant number from Apple’s Santa Clara office, known as the headquarters of Project Titan. Despite efforts to transition employees to other projects, layoffs were inevitable.

Note: This story includes independent illustrations of an iCar that are neither related to nor endorsed by Apple.

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