Apple’s Abandoned iCar: Talks with Tesla, Fiat Inspiration, and a Wheel-less Dream

**Title: Inside Apple’s Abandoned iCar: The Rise and Fall of Project Titan**

Apple’s decision to end its electric vehicle program, known as “Project Titan,” has left many surprised. However, insiders suggest that the project’s demise was inevitable due to Apple’s limited interest in the automotive industry from the start.

**The Birth of Project Titan:**
In 2014, Apple’s senior engineers, fresh from working on the smartwatch, embarked on the ambitious project to create an electric vehicle, dubbed the “iCar.”

**Challenges Faced by Project Titan:**
Apple CEO Tim Cook greenlit Project Titan to retain engineers who were considering leaving for Tesla. However, the company’s lack of genuine interest in the automotive sector led to leadership changes, inconsistent goals, and shifting priorities, earning the project the nickname “Titanic Disaster.”

**Musk’s Involvement and Design Dilemmas:**
Apple considered buying Tesla but ultimately decided to develop its own vehicle. The project’s leaders had conflicting visions – one aimed for a technologically advanced electric vehicle to compete with Tesla, while another envisioned a fully autonomous vehicle without a steering wheel, similar to Waymo.

**Design Inspired by Fiat Multipla 600:**
Chief Design Officer Jony Ive drew inspiration from the 1950s Fiat Multipla 600 for the iCar’s design. The vehicle was envisioned to be controlled by Siri, offering a unique driving experience.

**The Evolution of Project Titan:**
Over the years, Project Titan underwent multiple leadership changes and shifts in focus, from developing autonomous software to doubling down on autonomy. Eventually, the project was redirected towards developing an electric vehicle under Kevin Lynch’s leadership.

**The End of Project Titan:**
As Apple announced the cancellation of Project Titan, employees working on the project agreed it was the right decision. The company will repurpose the technology developed for Project Titan for other ventures, such as AI, automation, AirPods with cameras, robot assistants, and augmented reality.

While Project Titan may have ended in disappointment, its legacy lives on through the advancements made in AI and automation that will shape Apple’s future endeavors. The rise and fall of Project Titan serve as a reminder of the challenges and complexities involved in venturing into new industries.

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