Are Part Worn Tyres Safe to Buy?

Pros and Cons of Part-Worn Tyres: What to Look Out For

We all know that tyres wear down over time, but with the UK experiencing the raised cost of living in current times, it’s little wonder so many drivers baulk at the cost of a new set of tyres. One solution for some is to buy part-worn tyres: tyres that have already been used by somebody else, but still have some mileage left in them.

What are part-worn tyres?

Part-worn tyres are tyres that have previously been used by another driver. It is estimated around five million tyres bought in the UK are categorised as ‘part-worn’, which is around 10% of all tyres sold every year. Most part-worn tyres make their way to the UK from Germany. This is because the legal tread depth in Germany is 3mm, compared to 1.6mm in the UK. As a result, tyres that are still road-legal in the UK are exported here to be sold as ‘part-worn’.

Is it legal to buy or sell part-worn tyres in the UK?

In the UK, buying or selling part-worn tyres is not illegal. In fact, according to industry body TyreSafe, as many as 5.5 million used tyres are sold here every year. Vendors are bound by law to adhere to a number of strict regulations, however, as described below.

Regulations for part-worn tyres in the UK

Second-hand tyres should be in good condition, which means no bulges in the sidewall and no large cuts in the tread, while none of the structural carcass or cords should be visible. They should have at least 2mm of tread across their width and around their circumference, and they should be clearly and permanently marked ‘part-worn’ in upper case letters at least 4mm in height on their sidewalls. Although these regulations are very straightforward, many part-worn tyre suppliers are known to flout them. If you are considering buying a set of used tyres, make sure the vendor is compliant with these laws – and remember, tyres that do not meet these minimum requirements could cause you to have a very serious accident.

Advantages of part-worn tyres

The big advantage of part-worn tyres is that they cost less than brand new tyres. What’s more, by buying a set of used rubber you might be able to afford a higher quality tyre from a big-name brand, rather than a budget tyre from a manufacturer you’ve never heard of.

Disadvantages of part-worn tyres

Many part-worn tyres are not safe. It should be considered that if somebody has removed a set of tyres from their car, they have done so because they no longer consider them to be safe. If those tyres aren’t good enough for another driver, are they really good enough for you? With less tread depth than a brand new tyre, part-worn tyres will generate less grip, particularly in the wet. That means your car will have less traction and – more importantly – less cornering and braking grip. A survey carried out by TyreSafe found that up to 98% of used tyres sold in Britain did not comply with the regulations, while 34 per cent could be considered dangerous. However, even a tyre that does satisfy the regulations could be harbouring a nasty secret, whereas a brand new tyre will not. It is also the case that second-hand tyres will not last as long as new tyres. You’ll have to replace them much more often, so the savings will be less substantial than they might first appear. A new tyre might have as much as 8mm of tread, whereas a part-worn might only have a quarter of that. It’ll therefore only be fit for a few hundred miles and will need replacing before long. In addition, during a government investigation, it was found that 85% of part-worn tyres were non-compliant as they were incorrectly marked. Some 11% of part-worn tyres were found to be over ten years old. Here are a few more problems the investigation into part-worn tyres found:

– Some tyres had cuts in the primary tread area, which were deep enough to expose the metal cords

– Tyres fitted incorrectly, with the outside sidewall of the tyre fitted to the inside of the wheel rim

– Abnormal bulges in one of the side walls

– Repairs that did not conform to British Standard, including a “string” type plug which does not form a permanent seal and may not be secure

– Hard objects penetrating the tyres

Alternatives to part-worn tyres

In years gone by remoulded tyres, or retreaded tyres, were a popular solution. Remoulds are still legal in the UK, as long as they comply with strict regulations, and if manufactured with care they needn’t be significantly less safe than new tyres. Retreading a tyre involves stripping the tread and sidewall from a used tyre (the structure of which should be in good condition) and applying new rubber to the carcass. As budget tyres from the Far East have become more commonplace, though, remoulded tyres have accordingly become less popular.

Should I buy part-worn tyres?

If we could guarantee that part-worn tyres were completely safe and compliant with the regulations, there’d be little reason to be wary of them. However, as those TyreSafe figures demonstrate, there are no such assurances. If there is one area of car maintenance in which you shouldn’t scrimp on cost, it’d be the only part of the car that actually makes contact with the road – the tyres. Ultimately, it is down to personal choice and whether you are willing to accept the risks. Paul Heaton, R&D Director at Pirelli UK feels very strongly about part-worn tyres. “All part-worn tyres are required to be thoroughly inspected internally and externally before sale, but in reality, far too many have not been checked at all,” he says. ‘Many tyres are sold with structural damage that should mean the tyre is scrapped. The best course of action is simply to avoid part-worn tyres.”

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