“Ares S1 Concept Based on C8 Corvette Spotted at Dealership | Giga Gears”

**Exploring the Rare Ares S1 Supercar at Lorbek Luxury Cars in Melbourne**

Exotic car enthusiasts are always in for a treat when visiting high-end dealerships like Lorbek Luxury Cars in Melbourne. During a recent visit, I was taken aback by a unique supercar that initially eluded identification. Upon closer inspection, I was introduced to the rare Ares S1, a V8-powered exotic masterpiece built on the foundation of the C8 Corvette.

**Unveiling the Ares S1 Concept**

The vibrant yellow Ares S1 on display at Lorbek Luxury Cars is a static example of the 2020 concept, showcasing the brand’s vision in its purest form. While the production version was slightly refined in 2022, encountering this Modena-based coachbuilder’s creation was a first for me, sparking curiosity and admiration.

**Standing Out Amongst Giants**

Amongst a showroom filled with iconic models from Ferrari, McLaren, and Porsche, the Ares S1 stood out as a true centerpiece. Despite its humble Corvette origins, the Ares S1 boasts extreme proportions that give it an otherworldly appearance, resembling a real-life rendering. While drawing inspiration from various supercar designs, the Ares S1 manages to carve out a unique identity of its own.

**A Glimpse into the Future**

As a static display prototype, the Ares S1 lacked a drivetrain and interior, mounted on a wheeled tray for easy maneuverability within the dealership. Speaking with David Lorbek, Senior Sales Executive, shed light on the rare concept’s journey to Australia. The Lorbek brothers are proud clients of Ares Modena, having ordered one of the 24 production coupes, with their right-hand-drive model being the sole unit destined for the Australian market.

**Ares Modena’s Vision**

The presence of the Ares S1 in Melbourne serves as a strategic move by Ares Modena to raise brand awareness and attract potential clients for their coachbuilding projects. The Italian manufacturer aims to showcase its craftsmanship and design prowess through collaborations with exclusive dealerships like Lorbek Luxury Cars.

**The Evolution of the Ares S1**

Renderings of the production-spec Ares S1 have recently surfaced, confirming the model’s transition from concept to reality. The final design retains key elements such as gullwing doors and a redesigned carbon-fiber body, exuding a more conventional yet striking supercar aesthetic. The interior features premium materials and a modern triple-screen layout, while the performance specs remain undisclosed.

**Anticipating the Future**

With rumors suggesting a price tag exceeding $1 million, the Ares S1 promises exclusivity and unparalleled aesthetics for discerning buyers. As customer deliveries approach, we eagerly await further details on this Italian marvel. In the meantime, enjoy our video showcasing the wild Ares S1 concept and explore panoramic views of Lorbek Luxury Cars’ captivating showroom.

We extend our gratitude to Lorbek Luxury Cars for granting us access to their supercar haven in Port Melbourne.

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