“Ariel Nomad EV: Lightweight Electric Production Car for 2026 | Giga Gears”

Ariel Reveals Near-Production Concept for Electric Nomad 2

01 Ariel E Nomad front


Ariel, the Somerset-based car manufacturer, has unveiled a concept for an electric version of their recently released Nomad 2 off-roader. The prototype, called the E-Nomad, showcases the potential for a lightweight, all-roads electric vehicle that prioritizes driver engagement. With plans to launch in 2026, Ariel aims to demonstrate how new technology can be adapted to low-volume EV projects.

Unique Driving Attributes

The E-Nomad is designed to offer similar performance to the internal combustion engine (ICE) model while providing unique driving attributes. Ariel CEO Simon Saunders has stated that the electric version would cost around £10,000 more than the £68,000 Nomad 2, with final pricing dependent on battery costs.

ZELV Project

The E-Nomad is part of a three-partner project called ZELV (Zero-Emissions Lightweight Vehicle). The concept will be officially unveiled on September 4th at the Millbrook technical center in Bedfordshire, as part of the Low Carbon Vehicle Event. Ariel believes that low-volume manufacturers must embrace the electric future to avoid being left behind, and the E-Nomad serves as a showcase for future low-volume EV projects.

Technical Specifications

The E-Nomad features a steel spaceframe chassis and all-independent suspension, similar to the Nomad 2. It is powered by a BorgWarner water-cooled single drive motor, delivering 281bhp and 360lb ft of torque. The car is capable of reaching a top speed of 115mph and achieving 0-60mph in 3.5 seconds. The powertrain consists of a Cascadia Motion iDM 190 drive unit, weighing only 92kg, and a 450V lithium-ion battery pack with a capacity of 41kWh.

Lightweight Design

The E-Nomad’s lightweight body is made of a natural-fiber bio-composite, utilizing long, continuous cellulose fibers from flax plants. This material provides high tensile strength and stiffness while reducing CO2 emissions by over 70% compared to rival composites. The battery is positioned behind the rear bulkhead to optimize weight distribution and minimize cable runs, with a sophisticated cooling/heating system for off-road and track use.

Future Development

Ariel plans to further develop the bodystyling of the E-Nomad, with a focus on aerodynamics. The company aims to offer a different driving experience from the ICE model, ensuring that both versions of the Nomad have their unique advantages. Ariel will assess the reaction to the electric Nomad at the Millbrook unveiling, but is confident in the potential of the model.

Q&A with Simon Saunders, CEO of Ariel

Q: It’s likely small manufacturers like Ariel will get exemptions from the 2035 ICE sales ban, so why build an EV now?

A: “Many people say our tiny number of cars is never going to affect global pollution and that’s probably right, but I still think we have to do our bit. Two other things: if we’re not careful, we’ll simply run out of engines. And if we stay where we are, we risk others doing things better and leaving us behind.”

Q: Can EV models like yours eventually be better than the ICE versions?

A: “I believe they can. I keep telling our Ariel team that electric cars need to become the better choice, and I’m convinced they can be, and companies like ours can move faster than most. I believe it will be the same for autonomy. That can also make cars better.”

Q: You have used an EV power unit anyone can buy. What’s the rationale behind that?

A: “We were keen this time to use appropriate existing components to meet our first priority: dependability. People think we should be putting performance first – and it’s certainly up there – but it’s not much use if the car doesn’t deliver.”

Q: Why are batteries so expensive? We thought costs were coming down…

A: “It’s the low-volume thing, the lack of scale. In our case, it’s not the supplier but the materials cost. If you want something good in small numbers, you have to pay.”

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