Arizona Town’s Assault on Car Enthusiasts’ Right to Own Inoperable Vehicles

Gilbert, Arizona Implements Restrictions on Project Cars

Gilbert, Arizona has recently introduced new regulations that limit the visibility of race cars within the town. This decision comes as the southeast suburb of Phoenix experiences rapid population growth and an increase in planned and gated communities. To maintain the aesthetic appeal of the area, the city has taken steps to address the presence of inoperable vehicles.

Controlling the Appearance of Race Cars

The town of Gilbert, Arizona has taken a firm stance on the visibility of race cars, deeming them unattractive and requiring them to be hidden from public view. This decision is a response to the ongoing expansion of the town and the influx of residents into planned and gated communities.

With the aim of preserving the visual appeal of the area, Gilbert has implemented a regulation that limits the number of inoperable vehicles, including race cars, that can be visible on private properties. This move has sparked a debate among car enthusiasts and residents who believe it infringes upon their right to display their vehicles.

Impact on Car Enthusiasts

The new restrictions have received mixed reactions from the community. While some residents support the measure, citing the need for a clean and organized neighborhood, car enthusiasts argue that it infringes upon their freedom of expression and their passion for automotive culture.

Car enthusiasts argue that race cars are not eyesores but rather symbols of individuality and personal expression. They believe that the new regulations unfairly target their hobby and limit their ability to showcase their vehicles.


The town of Gilbert, Arizona’s decision to restrict the visibility of race cars reflects its desire to maintain a visually appealing environment amidst rapid population growth. While the regulation has sparked controversy among car enthusiasts, the town believes it is necessary to strike a balance between individual expression and community aesthetics.

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