Atlanta Police Criticized for Mocking Alleged Street Racer’s Tears | Giga Gears

Atlanta Police Department Mocks Alleged Street Racer, Faces Backlash

Police departments are typically known for their commitment to protecting and serving communities. However, the Atlanta Police Department recently took a different approach by publicly mocking an alleged street racer and labeling him as a cry baby.

Targeting Illegal Street Racing

In a post titled “From Sliding to Crying,” the Atlanta Police Department revealed that one of their units was actively targeting illegal street racing and street takeovers on August 25. During this operation, Sergeant Epps witnessed a red BMW M4 attempting to flee the area, which had been previously identified through street cameras and social media as being involved in street racing activities throughout the city.

Arrest and Impoundment

Sergeant Epps initiated a traffic stop and apprehended 22-year-old Nathaniel Adike. Adike’s BMW M4 was impounded, and he is now facing charges of Alteration of a License Plate and Participation in Street Racing.

The Atlanta Police Department supported their claims by releasing street camera footage and social media clips showcasing the red BMW engaging in donuts and drifting maneuvers. However, it is worth noting that the decision to initiate the traffic stop seems questionable, as the vehicle did not have a front license plate that could directly link it to previous incidents.

Controversial Promotion of the Arrest

Despite the arrest, the Atlanta Police Department received backlash for their promotional tactics. The department released a video that showed Adike complying with the officers but appeared distressed in the back of the police vehicle. This approach has raised concerns about the department’s professionalism and ethics.

While the Atlanta Police Department’s intention may have been to deter illegal street racing, their mocking of an alleged offender has sparked a debate about the appropriate use of public shaming and the potential negative impact it can have on the department’s reputation.

Atlanta Police Mock Alleged Street Racer For Crying, End Up Looking Like Bad Guys

Atlanta Police Department

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