Audi On Demand Car Rental Program Ends Soon

Audi On Demand Rental Car Program Comes to an End

Audi On Demand Rental Car Program Comes to an End

Audi On Demand Rental Car Program


Audi has recently announced the discontinuation of their rental car program known as Audi On Demand. This program, which was originally called Silvercar, has been in operation since 2012. While the company has not provided specific reasons for the shutdown, they have hinted at the possibility of a future iteration of the program.

A Brief History

The Audi On Demand program traces its roots back to 2012 when it was known as Silvercar. Initially, the program focused on renting Audi A4s. In 2016, Audi made a $28 million investment in Silvercar and eventually acquired the company in 2018. The program was rebranded as Audi On Demand in 2022.

End of Operations

According to Audi, the current version of the rental car program will cease operations on September 30. After this date, no reservations will be accepted or honored. The company expressed gratitude to their customers for their understanding and continued support, suggesting that Audi On Demand may make a comeback in the future.

Availability and Pricing

While most locations showed no availability for rentals, Audi North Austin is still offering vehicles for rent. The Audi Q7 is available for $108 per day, while the A5 Sportback and Q5 Sportback were listed as unavailable with prices of $88 and $110 per day, respectively.


The discontinuation of the Audi On Demand rental car program marks the end of an era. Despite the program’s closure, Audi has left the door open for a potential return in the future. Customers who have enjoyed the convenience and luxury of Audi On Demand will have to explore other options for their rental car needs.

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