Best Fake Noises of BMW Vision Neue Klasse X | Giga Gears

The Future of BMW EV Sounds: A Look at the Vision Neue Klasse X Concept


The design of BMW’s latest Vision Neue Klasse X SUV concept offers a glimpse into the future of electric vehicles (EVs). This concept not only showcases the exterior and interior of the upcoming production version but also introduces a new way to customize the sound of EVs through innovative technology.

Virtual Hypersonx Wheel Controls EV Sounds

BMW has revolutionized the way drivers interact with the sound of their EVs by introducing the Hypersonx Wheel. This virtual dial allows users to choose from four distinct soundscapes: Calm, Free, Expressive, and Agile. Each sound profile is designed to evoke different emotions and enhance the driving experience.

Customizable Soundscapes

Unlike traditional EV sound options, BMW’s approach offers a more personalized and immersive experience. Drivers can select a sound profile that matches their mood and preferences, creating a unique atmosphere inside the vehicle. The Hypersonx Wheel provides a seamless way to switch between different soundscapes with just a touch of a finger.

Sophisticated Sound Design

BMW’s synthesized EV sounds are a step above the rest, offering a more refined and engaging auditory experience. While other electric vehicles may lack any sound at all, BMW’s approach adds depth and character to the driving experience. The innovative sound design enhances the overall ambiance of the vehicle and sets it apart from the competition.

Future Implications

As automakers continue to innovate in the realm of EV technology, sound customization is likely to become a key feature in upcoming models. BMW’s Vision Neue Klasse X concept sets a new standard for EV sound design and paves the way for future advancements in infotainment systems.


While the concept of customizable EV sounds may seem novel now, it represents a significant shift in how we interact with electric vehicles. As technology continues to evolve, we can expect more innovative features like the Hypersonx Wheel to enhance the overall driving experience. BMW’s Vision Neue Klasse X concept is just the beginning of a new era in EV sound design.

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