“Better Uses for $50 Billion Than Self Driving Cars | Giga Gears”

The Folly of the Race for Fully Autonomous Cars

The pursuit of fully autonomous passenger cars has been criticized as foolish and misguided. Companies are investing in technology that comes with significant drawbacks for minimal benefits, leading to congested streets filled with unreliable computerized vehicles. Despite the hype surrounding self-driving cars, the reality paints a different picture.

The Downside of Self-Driving Cars

Many Americans are starting to realize that self-driving cars may not be the revolutionary solution they were promised. In fact, the push for autonomous vehicles has resulted in wasted resources and billions of dollars spent on technology that is not living up to its potential.

The Dangers of False Security

Tesla, a prominent player in the self-driving car industry, has been accused of selling a false sense of security to consumers. Tragic incidents, such as the death of an employee in a self-driving car accident, highlight the risks associated with relying too heavily on autonomous technology.

The State of Self-Driving Cars

As of 2023, self-driving cars are still far from perfect. Crash data shows that human drivers are significantly safer than their computerized counterparts, raising questions about the feasibility and safety of fully autonomous vehicles.

In conclusion, the race for fully autonomous passenger cars may be more trouble than it’s worth. Before investing further resources into this technology, it’s essential to consider the potential downsides and limitations of self-driving cars.

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