Biden Vetoes Bill on Heavy Truck Pollution Control | The Morning Shift

Biden Vetoes Republican Attempt to Overturn EPA Rule on Heavy-Duty Truck Emissions

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has been working to reduce emissions from heavy-duty trucks for years, and in 2020, they finalized a rule that would require manufacturers to improve the fuel efficiency of these vehicles by 25% over the next decade. However, Republicans in the House of Representatives recently attempted to overturn this rule, arguing that it would hurt the trucking industry and lead to job losses.

On July 1st, the House voted to repeal the EPA’s rule, but their efforts were quickly thwarted by President Biden, who vetoed the measure on July 14th. In a statement, the White House said that the EPA’s rule was “critical to protecting public health and combating climate change,” and that overturning it would have “serious consequences for our environment and our economy.”

The EPA’s rule is part of a broader effort by the Biden administration to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and combat climate change. Heavy-duty trucks are a major source of emissions in the transportation sector, and improving their fuel efficiency is seen as a key way to reduce their impact on the environment.


1. The EPA’s Rule on Heavy-Duty Truck Emissions

2. Republican Opposition to the Rule

3. Biden’s Veto and the Importance of the EPA’s Rule

4. The Role of Heavy-Duty Trucks in Climate Change

5. The Future of Emissions Reduction Efforts

The EPA’s Rule on Heavy-Duty Truck Emissions

The EPA’s rule on heavy-duty truck emissions was finalized in 2020 after years of research and consultation with industry stakeholders and environmental groups. The rule requires manufacturers to improve the fuel efficiency of their vehicles by 25% over the next decade, which is expected to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by an estimated 2 billion metric tons and save truck owners and operators $170 billion in fuel costs.

The rule applies to a wide range of heavy-duty vehicles, including tractor-trailers, buses, and delivery trucks. It also includes provisions to encourage the use of electric and other alternative fuel vehicles, as well as incentives for manufacturers to develop more efficient engines and technologies.

Republican Opposition to the Rule

Despite the potential benefits of the EPA’s rule, Republicans in the House of Representatives have been vocal in their opposition to it. They argue that the rule would hurt the trucking industry and lead to job losses, particularly in rural areas where trucking is a major employer.

In June, Republicans introduced a resolution to repeal the EPA’s rule, which passed in the House by a vote of 229-191. However, the resolution was unlikely to pass in the Senate, and President Biden’s veto ensures that the EPA’s rule will remain in place.

Biden’s Veto and the Importance of the EPA’s Rule

President Biden’s veto of the Republican resolution is a significant victory for environmental advocates and supporters of emissions reduction efforts. In a statement, the White House emphasized the importance of the EPA’s rule in protecting public health and combating climate change.

The statement also noted that overturning the rule would have serious consequences for the environment and the economy, including increased air pollution and higher fuel costs for truck owners and operators. The EPA’s rule is seen as a key part of the Biden administration’s broader efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and transition to a cleaner, more sustainable economy.

The Role of Heavy-Duty Trucks in Climate Change

Heavy-duty trucks are a major source of greenhouse gas emissions in the transportation sector, accounting for approximately 23% of all transportation-related emissions in the United States. These emissions contribute to climate change and air pollution, which can have serious health impacts on communities near major transportation corridors.

Improving the fuel efficiency of heavy-duty trucks is seen as a key way to reduce their impact on the environment and public health. The EPA’s rule is expected to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by an estimated 2 billion metric tons over the next decade, which is equivalent to taking more than 400 million cars off the road for a year.

The Future of Emissions Reduction Efforts

The EPA’s rule on heavy-duty truck emissions is just one part of a broader effort by the Biden administration to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and combat climate change. The administration has set ambitious goals for emissions reductions across all sectors of the economy, including transportation, electricity generation, and industry.

To achieve these goals, the administration is pursuing a range of policies and initiatives, including investments in clean energy technologies, incentives for electric vehicle adoption, and regulations to reduce emissions from power plants and other sources. The EPA’s rule on heavy-duty truck emissions is an important part of this effort, and its preservation through President Biden’s veto is a significant victory for emissions reduction advocates.

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