“Biden’s Potential Battery Sourcing Rule Relaxation to Boost EV Credits in 2024 | Giga Gears”

Biden Administration to Clarify EV Tax Credit Rules

EV Tax Credits


President Biden faces the challenge of balancing the interests of different groups when it comes to EV tax credits. While aiming to combat climate change and promote electric vehicles, the administration also wants to limit China’s influence, support domestic automakers, and encourage investment in North American battery operations. However, these objectives have raised concerns among car dealers and automakers. To address these concerns, the Biden administration is expected to clarify the rules and provide details on the foreign content allowed in EVs while still qualifying for tax credits.

The Complexities of EV Tax Credits

One of the main challenges is the reliance of U.S. carmakers on Chinese battery technology. Switching to domestically produced power packs is not an immediate option, as it takes time for battery plants to become operational. Additionally, the sourcing of minerals used in batteries is another issue. While there are plans to build batteries in the U.S., there is a lack of mineral sourcing within the country. The Inflation Reduction Act, which outlines the rules on battery sourcing, has also faced criticism from Western carmakers located outside of the U.S., as their EVs no longer qualify for credits due to not being built in North America.

Expected Changes in Battery Sourcing Rules

The Biden administration is set to relax the rules on battery sourcing for a certain period of time. This move aims to alleviate concerns among automakers and EV advocates. However, it may face opposition from those who are critical of China’s influence in the industry. The upcoming clarification of the rules will provide more details on the foreign content allowed in EVs while still maintaining eligibility for tax credits.


The Biden administration’s efforts to promote electric vehicles through tax credits have sparked debates and challenges. Balancing the interests of different stakeholders, including car dealers, automakers, and environmental advocates, is a complex task. The expected clarification of the rules regarding battery sourcing will provide more clarity on the eligibility criteria for tax credits. It remains to be seen how these changes will shape the future of the EV industry and its impact on climate change mitigation.

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