Blame humans for crashes, not autonomous cars | Giga Gears

The Truth About Autonomous Vehicles and Human Error in Crashes

Many people believe that autonomous vehicles will eliminate crashes caused by human error. However, the reality is that humans are ultimately responsible for 100% of all crashes. Even if a mechanical failure occurs, it can be traced back to human design or maintenance.

The Misuse of Statistics

A study by the US’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration found that in 94% of crashes, the critical reason was attributed to the driver. This statistic has been misused by advocates of autonomous vehicles to push their own agendas.

The Root Cause of Crashes

Humans are the root cause of all crashes, whether directly or indirectly. Even seemingly naturalistic events, like a squirrel and magpie facing off in a garden, can be traced back to human actions.

Accountability in Automation

As automation increases, personal accountability decreases. In the event of a crash involving an autonomous vehicle, it can be challenging to determine who is at fault and hold them accountable.

The Future of Automated Collisions

While automation can reduce the number of collisions, finding an acceptable level of automated casualties is a complex issue. Ultimately, humans are currently responsible for driving and must be held accountable for any errors.

Without accountability, the goal of zero harm in automated collisions becomes increasingly difficult to achieve.

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