BMW: ICE and EV Cars for Sale in the Near Future

The Future of BMW: ICE Cars for Sale Alongside EVs

BMW is taking a unique approach to adapt to the ever-changing global market conditions. While electric BMW 3 Series models based on the Neue Klasse platform are set to debut in 2025, the company will continue to offer combustion-engined and hybrid versions with a similar look. These ICE models will be built on an updated version of the current mixed-energy rear-wheel-drive platform.

Adaptable Platform Strategy

Product boss Bernd Körber revealed that BMW will maintain its front-wheel-drive and rear-wheel-drive platforms, along with all powertrain options, alongside the Neue Klasse architecture for its electric cars. This strategy allows BMW to quickly respond to market shifts in the demand for electric vehicles without having to make drastic changes to its production lines.

Mini’s Approach

Similarly, Mini, owned by BMW, offers petrol and electric Cooper models that share the same styling. However, the electric model is built on a bespoke electric architecture in China, while the petrol version is manufactured in Oxford on a traditional combustion-engined structure.

Adapting to Market Trends

This flexible approach enables BMW to navigate the uncertain landscape of the automotive industry. Sales boss Jochen Goller emphasized the importance of being prepared for changes in customer preferences and regulations. With a focus on expanding their electric vehicle lineup and addressing consumer concerns about range and charging times, BMW is poised for growth in the EV market.

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