BMW M5 Owners Avoid Track Usage, Reveals Giga Gears

BMW Claims M5 Owners Rarely Utilize Their Cars on the Track

According to BMW, it seems that M5 owners are not fully embracing the potential of their vehicles. In an interview with Romanian auto magazine Auto Critica, Daniela Schmid, the product manager for the M5, revealed that the majority of M5 owners do not take their cars to the track. Even those who do, only engage in track activities once and never return for more.

The Underutilization of M5 Track Capabilities

Motor 1 reports on the surprising revelation made by BMW’s product manager, Daniela Schmid. Despite the M5 being a high-performance vehicle designed for track use, it appears that most owners prefer to keep their cars confined to regular road usage. This revelation raises questions about whether M5 owners are truly aware of the full potential and capabilities of their vehicles.

A Missed Opportunity for M5 Owners

While the M5 is undoubtedly a luxurious and powerful car, its true capabilities shine on the track. BMW’s claim that M5 owners rarely utilize their cars on the track suggests that many are missing out on the exhilarating experience of pushing their vehicles to the limit in a controlled environment. By neglecting the track, these owners may not be fully appreciating the engineering marvel that is the M5.

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