BMW’s M Division Embraces Automatic Transmissions

Is the Manual Transmission Dead? BMW’s M Division Weighs In

For many car enthusiasts, the manual transmission is a symbol of driving purity and control. But according to Dirk Hacker, head of development for BMW’s M division, the manual transmission may soon be a thing of the past.

In an interview with Top Gear, Hacker discussed the future of transmissions in BMW’s M cars. And while he didn’t explicitly say that the manual transmission is dead, his comments suggest that it’s on its way out.

“The DCT [dual-clutch transmission] and auto ’boxes are faster and they have better fuel consumption,” Hacker said. “So the demand for manuals is going down.”

Hacker went on to explain that the decline in demand for manual transmissions is not unique to BMW. “If you look at the take-rate of manuals versus automatics worldwide, it’s declining,” he said. “Even in North America, it’s declining.”

So what does this mean for BMW’s M cars? According to Hacker, the future is automatic – even for non-electric models.

“Even if we’re not talking about electrification, I think it will be very difficult to continue with manuals,” he said. “The DCT and auto ’boxes are just faster and more efficient.”

Of course, there will always be die-hard manual transmission fans who refuse to give up their third pedal. And for those fans, Hacker has some good news: BMW will continue to offer manual transmissions in some models, at least for now.

“We still have a manual in the M2, and we have a manual in the M3 and M4,” he said. “But I think even in these segments, the demand for manuals is going down.”

So if you’re a fan of manual transmissions and you’re in the market for a new BMW M car, now might be the time to buy. But if you’re willing to embrace the future of automatic transmissions, you’ll likely be rewarded with faster acceleration and better fuel efficiency.

The Pros and Cons of Manual and Automatic Transmissions

While some car enthusiasts may mourn the death of the manual transmission, there are certainly advantages to automatic transmissions. Here are a few pros and cons of each type of transmission:

Manual Transmission Pros:

– Greater control over the vehicle

– More engaging driving experience

– Generally less expensive than automatic transmissions

– Can be more fuel efficient in certain situations

Manual Transmission Cons:

– Can be difficult to learn and master

– Can be tiring in stop-and-go traffic

– Requires more physical effort than automatic transmissions

– Can be less efficient in certain situations (e.g. when driving uphill)

Automatic Transmission Pros:

– Easier to use and learn

– More convenient in stop-and-go traffic

– Generally more efficient than manual transmissions

– Can offer faster acceleration

Automatic Transmission Cons:

– Less engaging driving experience

– Generally more expensive than manual transmissions

– Can be less fuel efficient in certain situations (e.g. when driving uphill)

– May require more maintenance than manual transmissions

Ultimately, the decision between a manual and automatic transmission comes down to personal preference and driving style. Some drivers may prefer the control and engagement of a manual transmission, while others may prefer the convenience and efficiency of an automatic transmission.

The Future of Transmissions in the Automotive Industry

While BMW’s M division may be moving away from manual transmissions, they’re not alone. Many other automakers are also phasing out manual transmissions in favor of automatics.

One reason for this shift is the increasing popularity of electric vehicles, which typically don’t have transmissions at all. As more drivers switch to EVs, demand for manual transmissions is likely to decline even further.

Another reason for the shift towards automatic transmissions is advancements in technology. Automatic transmissions are becoming faster, more efficient, and more reliable than ever before. And with the rise of autonomous driving technology, the need for manual transmissions may become even less relevant.

Of course, there will always be a place for manual transmissions in the automotive world. Some drivers will continue to prefer the control and engagement of a manual transmission, and automakers may continue to offer them in certain models.

But as Dirk Hacker of BMW’s M division suggests, the future of transmissions is likely to be automatic. So whether you’re a die-hard manual transmission fan or you’re willing to embrace the future of automatics, there’s no denying that the automotive industry is changing – and transmissions are just one part of that evolution.

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