California Bill Proposes Speeding Alerts for New Cars | Giga Gears

**California Bill Proposes Speeding Alerts in New Vehicles**

California lawmakers are considering a new bill that would require all new vehicles to alert drivers when they exceed the speed limit by more than 10 mph. The proposed system would utilize GPS technology and a database of posted speed limits to trigger visual and audio warnings inside the vehicle.

### Key Points of the Bill:

– **Implementation Phases:** The bill outlines a phased implementation plan, with 50% of vehicles needing the system by 2029 and nearly all vehicles required to have it by 2032.

– **Passive Intelligent Speed Assistance System:** The system would provide visual and audio alerts to drivers whenever their speed exceeds the limit by 10 mph.

– **Brief Warnings:** Each warning would be a brief, one-time occurrence, but could become repetitive if the driver consistently exceeds the speed limit.

Introduced by Senator Scott Wiener, the bill, known as SB-961, aims to enhance road safety by discouraging speeding. While the bill has passed its initial test in the California senate, its fate is still uncertain.

### Potential Impact on Vehicles:

The bill would mandate that 50% of passenger vehicles, trucks, and buses sold or manufactured in California comply with the regulation by 2029. By 2032, nearly all vehicles sold in the state would need to be equipped with the speed alert system.

The proposed system would compare a vehicle’s speed to a database of speed limits and provide warnings based on the higher limit in case of conflicting information.

As the bill progresses through the legislative process, its future remains uncertain. Stay tuned for updates on this potential new law in California.

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