California Cities Fight for Control Over Self-Driving Cars | Giga Gears

California Takes Action Against Self-Driving Cars Dominating City Streets

Californians are fed up with self-driving cars taking over their cities, and now the state legislature is taking action. Senate Bill 915 aims to give cities more control over what happens on their streets. This new approach could change the way autonomous vehicles operate in urban areas.

The Issue at Hand

Self-driving cars have been causing chaos in California cities, with reports of them driving recklessly and creating safety hazards for pedestrians. Residents are demanding a solution to this problem, and Senate Bill 915 could be the answer they’ve been looking for.

Empowering Cities

If passed, Senate Bill 915 would empower cities to regulate the use of self-driving cars within their limits. This means that local governments could set rules and restrictions to ensure the safety and well-being of their residents. It’s a step towards giving communities more control over the technology that impacts their daily lives.

Looking Ahead

As California works towards finding a balance between innovation and public safety, Senate Bill 915 represents a significant shift in how self-driving cars are managed. By allowing cities to have a say in the matter, the state is taking a proactive approach to address the concerns of its residents.


With Senate Bill 915 on the table, Californians are hopeful that they can regain control over their city streets and ensure that self-driving cars operate responsibly. This legislation could set a precedent for other states grappling with similar issues, ultimately leading to a safer and more harmonious coexistence between autonomous vehicles and pedestrians.

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