‘California Stop’ Tickets Costing Millions | Giga Gears

The Dangers of the “California Stop”

Have you ever heard of the “California Stop” or the “California Roll”? This common driving behavior involves not coming to a complete stop at a stop sign. While it may seem harmless, it is actually illegal and can result in a hefty fine of over $200. Additionally, it can negatively impact your driving record if you are caught by law enforcement.

Why You Should Always Come to a Full Stop

Stopping at a stop sign is not just a suggestion – it is the law. Failing to do so can put yourself and others at risk of accidents and injuries. It only takes a few seconds to come to a complete stop, so why risk the consequences of running a stop sign?

The Cost of the California Stop

According to recent reports, Californians are collectively paying millions of dollars in tickets related to the California Stop. This reckless behavior not only impacts individual drivers but also contributes to the overall safety concerns on the road.

Next time you approach a stop sign, remember the importance of obeying traffic laws and coming to a full stop. It could save you from costly fines and keep everyone on the road safe.

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