Canadian Man Survives Near Miss with Cement Mixer | Giga Gears

Man Cheats Death in Cement Truck Bridge Crash

Cement Truck Bridge Crash


A man narrowly escaped death in a terrifying incident on the Port Mann Bridge in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Dashcam footage from a Tesla vehicle captured the heart-stopping moment when a cement mixer truck almost collided with the man who was standing outside his broken-down truck on the foggy bridge.

The Incident

The video shows the man’s pickup truck stopped in the rightmost lane with its tilting trailer in the up position, indicating a breakdown. Unfortunately, the foggy conditions made it difficult for approaching vehicles to see the stranded vehicle. The cement mixer truck only noticed the pickup truck at the last moment and slammed on the brakes.

A Miraculous Escape

In a split-second decision, the cement truck driver performed a moose-test maneuver to avoid a direct collision. The truck managed to mostly avoid the stopped vehicle but sideswiped the trailer. What made the situation even more dangerous was that the pickup truck driver was outside the vehicle. Thankfully, the man’s quick reflexes allowed him to run out of harm’s way just as the cement truck turned towards him.

A Reminder to Stay Alert

This incident serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of paying attention while driving. It highlights how unpredictable situations can arise on the road and the need for drivers to remain vigilant at all times.


Both the man and the cement truck driver were incredibly lucky to escape the incident without serious injuries. This near-miss serves as a cautionary tale and emphasizes the critical role of attentiveness and quick thinking in avoiding accidents on the road.

Watch Canadian Man Dodge A Cement Mixer And Live To Tell The Tale

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