Car Culture Roundup: March 16, 2024

Nebraska Woman Exploits Gas Pump Software Glitch for $30,000 Worth of Free Gas

A woman in Nebraska found a loophole in gas pump software that allowed her to receive almost $30,000 worth of free gas before being caught by the owners. The 45-year-old now faces serious consequences for her actions.

Gas Pump Glitch Exploited

The Nebraska woman took advantage of a glitch in the gas pump software, which enabled her to pump gas without being charged for it. This went on until the gas station owners realized what was happening and put a stop to it.

Legal Troubles Ahead

As a result of her actions, the woman is now facing legal trouble for exploiting the software glitch and obtaining gas worth thousands of dollars without paying for it. The consequences of her actions could be severe.

For more details on this story, you can read here.

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