Car Manufacturers Counter ‘Anti-EV Campaign’ with Facts | Giga Gears

Car Makers Hitting Back with Facts as House of Lords Report Exposes Misleading Media Coverage on Electric Vehicles

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The House of Lords Report on EV Strategy Calls Out Misleading Media Coverage

A recent report from the House of Lords has criticized mainstream media for its “misinformation” and disproportionate negative portrayal of electric vehicles (EVs). The report highlights articles from the Daily Mail, the Daily Express, and The Telegraph as examples of this misleading coverage. Ford has also expressed concerns about a “vocal anti-EV campaign” that emerged in 2023.

Car Manufacturers Remain Determined to Counter Misleading Reporting

Despite the negative media coverage, car manufacturers like the Volkswagen Group are determined to counter it with facts. Alex Smith, the boss of the Volkswagen Group, emphasized the importance of providing accurate information and products to consumers. He believes that compelling products and constant innovation are key to generating consumer interest in EVs.

Incentives and Infrastructure Targets Needed to Stimulate Demand

While the VW Group has experienced significant growth in EV sales, Smith believes that incentives are necessary to further stimulate demand. He also calls for binding targets for infrastructure rollout, similar to the mandates imposed on car makers. Smith revealed that the ZEV mandate, which requires 22% of car makers’ UK sales to be electric, will be reviewed in a couple of years, potentially allowing for adjustments to the sliding scale of EV sales.

Consistency and Support from the Government

With a general election approaching, Smith pleads for consistency and support from the government for the automotive industry. He emphasizes the importance of maintaining the current status quo to ensure a smooth transition to electric vehicles. Despite initial software problems with VW Group’s early electric cars, Smith notes that the latest software updates have received positive responses from customers. The overwhelming majority of EV buyers are committed to electric vehicles and would not switch back to internal combustion engine (ICE) cars.

Education and Collaboration for Consumer Familiarity

Smith, an EV owner himself, believes that increasing consumer familiarity with EVs is crucial. He advocates for objective, freely available, and digestible education that is not directive or patronizing. While EV owners and car companies play a role in educating the public, Smith believes that coordination and clear messaging from various stakeholders are necessary for widespread adoption of electric vehicles.

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