Carriage Horse Escapes in Manhattan, Hits Four Cars, and is Recaptured | Giga Gears

Horse-Drawn Carriage Driver Dragged Behind Escaping Horse in Manhattan

A horse-drawn carriage driver in New York City had a harrowing experience on Sunday when his horse broke free and fled down the streets of Manhattan. The incident occurred when the driver attempted to fix a problem with the vehicle’s canopy, giving the horse an opportunity to escape.

The Escape

As the driver tried to repair the canopy, the horse seized the chance to break free from its chains. With the driver still attached to the carriage, he was dragged behind the fleeing horse as it sprinted through the busy streets of Manhattan.

The Chaos

The horse’s escape caused chaos on the streets, as it collided with four cars along its path. The NYPD was called to the scene to handle the situation and ensure the safety of both the driver and the public.

The Aftermath

Fortunately, no serious injuries were reported from the incident. The carriage driver suffered minor injuries from being dragged, but he was quickly attended to by medical professionals. The horse was eventually caught and returned to its stable.

This incident highlights the potential dangers of working with animals in busy urban environments. It serves as a reminder for both carriage drivers and pedestrians to prioritize safety and take necessary precautions when interacting with horses on city streets.

For more details on this incident, you can read the full article here.

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