

“Criminal Steals Tesla Cybertruck, Can Run But Can’t Hide”

One man evidently made a series of really stupid choices that all lead to jail time

VinFast Crash Sparks Federal Investigation in California

NHTSA is looking into the accident and resulting fire that took the lives of a family, including two children, in April

Semi Truck Dangles Over Bridge: Dashcam Footage Captures Terrifying Moment | Giga Gears

Accidents occur on the road daily, and it’s often safety equipment that

Proposed UK Law Could Put Reckless Cyclists Behind Bars for Up to 14 Years

Presently, reckless cyclists can only be prosecuted under a law intended for horses and carriages

“Crashed $17 Million Pagani Zonda HP Barchetta Repaired in 2022 | Giga Gears”

The car was crashed in 2022 and suffered extensive suspension and bodywork damage