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air traffic control

UK Flights Cancelled Due to Air Traffic Control Outage

The UK was in turmoil yesterday, and not for the usual reasons like the fallout from Brexit and inept politicians. Instead, it was struggling to deal with an enormous outage of its air traffic control system, which resulted in the cancellation of more than a quarter of flights into and out of the country. Now, experts…


Near Misses: Frequent Incidents of Close Calls between Planes

So, as it turns out, airplanes are nearly crashing mid-air far more regularly than anyone initially thought. After a slew of almost-crashes over the past few months, The New York Times decided to take a deep dive into the issue. In fact, there have been at least 46 close calls involving commercial airlines in the last…


Air Traffic Control Struggles in NYC

It has been an ongoing struggle to manage commercial flights in the skies around New York City. CNN reports the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has extended the waiver on slot requirements at the area’s airports. However, the airspace transfer intended also to lessen the burden on the Big Apple’s…


Commercial Flight Avoids Collision with Private Jet

A private jet and a Airbus A320 commercial aircraft got a little too close for comfort in the skies above southern Florida last weekend.