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airport security

California may discontinue CLEAR for airline travelers

Who would have guessed that eliminating privatized airport security line-cutting would be a topic that would have Democrats and Republicans reaching across the aisle? California lawmakers introduced a bill in February that would ban CLEAR in its present form, according to POLITICO. While the bill has bipartisan…


“Is it Time to Abandon Airport Security Theater? | Giga Gears”

The Transportation Security Administration is testing new self-screening checkpoint lanes at Harry Reid International Airport in Las Vegas. The new process promises passengers shorter wait lines without the hassle of taking off shoes and outerwear or removing electronics from carry-on bags. While the smoother procedure


Weekend Giga Gears Roundup: February 17, 2024

When you get on an airplane, there are a lot of things that you can reasonably expect could go wrong. Maybe your seatmate is too wide to fit in just one seat. Maybe a child will start crying. Maybe you’re forced to witness another passenger going to the bathroom barefoot. No one is going to enjoy experiencing any of…


Passenger Sneaks Past Security Checkpoint to Board Flight Without Ticket | Giga Gears

A woman got to trip to Los Angeles free of charge after she apparently strolled through an empty portion of an airport security checkpoint in Nashville and boarded an American Airlines flight to LAX without a ticket. However, the free-roaming flyer was met by law enforcement when the plane landed in California. The…


“Maggots Cause Delta Flight to Turn Back: The Shocking Incident | Giga Gears”

When you get on an airplane, there are a lot of things that you can reasonably expect could go wrong. Maybe your seatmate is too wide to fit in just one seat. Maybe a child will start crying. Maybe you’re forced to witness another passenger going to the bathroom barefoot. No one is going to enjoy experiencing any of…