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“March 16, 2024 Weekend Giga Gears Roundup”

Boeing is having a rough time of it right now, with parts falling off its planes left, right and center. Just last week, a wheel came loose and smashed through a car, and earlier this year the door from a 737 Max aircraft broke off mid-flight. That mid-air disaster sparked an audit from the Federal Aviation…


“March 09, 2024 Weekend Giga Gears Roundup”

When asked how Boeing’s recent door plug incident came about, company CEO Dave Calhoun cryptically explained “a quality escape occurred.” That kind of corporate doublespeak is indicative of the problem at hand. Boeing used to have quality, but it escaped, apparently sometime around when it merged with McDonnell Douglas


“Missing Door Plug Bolts Found on Boeing 737 Max: Report | Giga Gears”

The National Transportation Safety Board released its preliminary report on how a door plug blew out of a Boeing 737 Max 9 at 16,000 feet over Portland, Oregon last month. The findings are as bad as expected with the report noting that the four bolts intended to hold the plug in place vertically were missing, Reuters…


“Experts and Ex-Boeing Employees Warn Against Max: A Cautionary Message for Families and All”

Airlines are resuming flights with the troubled Boeing Max 9 planes which were all grounded following the door panel blow-out incident on Jan. 5, but aviation experts say that these planes still have significant and potentially dangerous quality-control issues.


Air Travel Updates: Unveiling the Current Situation | Giga Gears

It’s been a rough month when it comes to air transportation. Since the start of the new year, we’ve seen everything from door plugs blowing off at 16,000 feet and airplanes colliding on runways to cracked windshields and people getting stuck in bathrooms. Lest we forget a flight I was on had a five-hour delay for…