Homeamerican formula one drivers

american formula one drivers

Andretti Missed F1 Meeting Email Due to Spam Folder | Giga Gears

Formula 1 rejected Andretti Global’s Cadillac-backed application to join the sport last week, claiming, among other things, that it didn’t believe Andretti-Cadillac would be competitive. Apparently, though, there’s another reason Andretti and F1 weren’t able to come to an agreement. As the Associated Press reports, F1…


“F1 Rejects Andretti, Prioritizes American Investment | Giga Gears”

In a decision emblematic of Formula 1'sstance on the United States, F1 Management has rejected Andretti Global’s entry to join the world championship in 2025. While lucrative races, sponsorship deals and television audience are more than welcome, actual American involvement is a non-starter. FOM has dangled some…


Changing Dynamics of Global Aspirations in Race Teams: McLaren and Andretti | Giga Gears

Competing in just one or two series isn’t enough for race teams anymore. No: organizations like Andretti Global and McLaren Racing are looking for success in as many series as possible — but it’s not quite world domination that these teams have in mind. They’re pursuing a broader market for their brand.


Becoming a Motorsport Sponsor: The Requirements | Giga Gears

As Michael Mayall walks through the IndyCar paddock, personnel from various teams step forward to shake his hand and chat. The Vice President of Corporate Development at XPEL may facilitate a partnership with Team Penske, but the friendships he maintains with everyone in IndyCar are integral to the overall vision of…


XPEL Ensures Penske’s IndyCars Remain Perfect Until Green Flag

If you’ve used social media in racing circles before, there’s a good chance you’ve heard the phrase “Penske Perfect.” Basically, it refers to the absolutely meticulous way Roger Penske manages his racing teams: everything from crews outfitted in pressed polos to the cleanliness of the golf carts used by the team to…