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american people of german descent

Trump Demands $1 Billion from Oil Execs to Allow Environmental Destruction

Donald Trump told some of America’s top oil executives that he is willing to immediately reverse dozens of President Biden’s environmental policies and stop new ones from being enacted on his first day of presidency, if the oil companies agree to raise $1 billion to return Trump to the White House. The Washington Post


Trump’s Miami Grand Prix Fundraiser Shut Down by Race Officials

Miami Grand Prix officials were none too pleased when they found out Donald Trump was attempting to use a suite at the Formula 1 race for a high-dollar fundraiser for his presidential campaign. They actually sent a cease and desist letter on April 26 to the former president’s allies.


Senator Ted Cruz Adds Amendment to FAA Bill for Lawmakers’ Airport Police Escorts

Congress desperately needs to pass a bill to fund the Federal Aviation Administration for the next four years before a short-term funding extension runs out in May. It’s a big enough deal that even Republicans aren’t willing to roll the dice on whether or not air travel can safely continue without reauthorizing the…


Top Online Car Sales: Toyota HiAce, Honda Prelude Si, Dale Earnhardt Car Of Tomorrow | Giga Gears

Ah, Seattle. Home of cold weather, gray days, and weird three-wheelers. I’ve only been to the Pacific Northwest once in my life, but I feel like my 27 years on this earth have given me a nice sense of the area’s vibe. In short, it’s fantastic.


Auto Union President’s Desk: Giga Gears

I’ve got a bit of a historical crush on Walter P. Reuther, and a recent social media post from his library at Wayne State University in Detroit just made the old UAW president somehow even more charming.