

“Top Stories of February 10, 2024 | Giga Gears Weekend News”

The global economy is a complex and constantly moving entity, which frequently causes companies to reevaluate their operations. Porsche was recently pushed up against that wall when the U.S. government determined that nearly all of its cars couldn’t be imported into the country, allegedly due to a single microchip…


Weekend Car Culture Roundup 02/10/24 | Giga Gears

Welcome to a new week! It’s Monday, February 5, 2024, and this is The Morning Shift, your daily roundup of the top automotive headlines from around the world, in one place. Here are the important stories you need to know. - Owen Bellwood Read More


“Top Weekend Events Beyond Cars – February 10, 2024 | Giga Gears”

The U.S. military is considering the use of AI during warfare but researchers warn this may not be a good idea given AI’s predilection for nuclear war. In a series of international conflict simulations run by American researchers, AIs tended to escalate at random, leading to the deployment of nukes in multiple cases,…


Weekend QOTD Roundup 02/10/24 | Giga Gears

Cars: They cost too much. Big cars, little cars, fast cars, slow cars — the only things they all share are that they’re too expensive to buy, too expensive to own, and never worth enough when you’re trying to sell yours. Earlier this week, we asked you for the most overpriced new cars, and you gave us a wealth of…


Best Car Door Handle | Giga Gears

Door handles. Most people probably never think about them, but we aren’t most people, are we amigo? We’re car enthusiasts, which means the most minute details catch our attention. Because of that, we’ve decided to dedicate today’s question to one very specific design detail: door handles.