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“Coal’s Harmful Health Effects: Be Aware | Giga Gears”

Coal — the rock, not the roll — is one of the dirtier fuel sources out there, with both mining and burning it often leading to serious medical complications for those involved. Now, though, research suggests yet another way coal hurts people: Just transporting it.


“Nuclear Rockets: The Next Space Race Game Changer”

Nuclear-powered spacecraft could be the apex vehicle of this century’s space race. Concepts and designs for reactor-equipped rockets have been around for over 50 years but have never left the experimental stage. Despite ambitions to boldly go where no one has gone before, America’s latest push to get nuclear…


Boeing Faces Criminal Charges for 737 Max Crashes

After being hit with a raft of high-profile problems through the rollout of its new 737 Max aircraft, including deadly crashes, faulty door plugs and fuselage issues, Boeing could now be facing criminal charges over its handling of the scandal.


Boeing’s Focus on Profit Allows SpaceX to Surpass It

Back in 2014, the United States held its own little internal space race. NASA chose two companies to bring us back to the International Space Station, providing them with funding to build a crewed space vehicle: One established, long-proven aerospace engineering firm, and one upstart run by a guy who names all his…


NASA Space Debris Hits Florida Home

Have you ever been sitting in your home, minding your own business when suddenly a two-pound hunk of junk from the heavens smashed through the ceiling? No? Me neither. But that’s exactly what happened to Florida native Alejandro Otero last month.