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aviation safety

“Boeing 737 Max Inspections Triggered by Missing Nut | Giga Gears”

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has confirmed that airlines will have to inspect every Boeing 737 Max after a bolt was discovered with a missing nut during routine maintenance. The potential loose bolt is attached to a linkage on the rudder control system. Boeing also found an undelivered aircraft with a nut…


Mysterious GPS Attacks on Airlines in the Middle East

There’s a new threat to airline safety that’s much more insidious than a passenger going to the bathroom barefoot. Airlines are reporting GPS-based spoofing attacks that blind navigation systems and disable backup navigation systems, leaving pilots completely blind, Vice reports.


Federal Government Shutdown to Worsen Flying Experience | Giga Gears

If there’s one thing Republicans love, it’s shutting down the government. Sure, that means temporarily leaving hundreds of thousands of federal employees and contractors without paychecks, hurting the economy, and generally creating an all-around hassle for millions of people, but apparently, it’s worth it if it means…


United Airlines Flight Descends 28K Feet in 10 Mins | Giga Gears

A United Airlines flight across the Atlantic Ocean was forced to plunge 28,000 feet over ten minutes due to a cabin pressurization issue yesterday. Modern commercial airliners are designed to survive and stay aloft after a multitude of complications. These heavy multi-engine aircraft are even rated to fly with only a…


America Prioritizes Air Safety, Neglects Road Travel

Last week, the New York Times published a report on airline safety that found planes come close to crashing far more frequently than previously thought. In just the last couple of months, commercial planes came close to hitting each other at least 46 times. Those close calls have also reportedly been happening more…