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5,000 Commercial Pilots Investigated for Concealing Health Issues

It takes a lot to be a pilot, but thousands of pilots are out there flying right now while claiming mental and physical disabilities from the government that would bar them from getting in the captain’s chair.


Near Misses: Frequent Incidents of Close Calls between Planes

So, as it turns out, airplanes are nearly crashing mid-air far more regularly than anyone initially thought. After a slew of almost-crashes over the past few months, The New York Times decided to take a deep dive into the issue. In fact, there have been at least 46 close calls involving commercial airlines in the last…


Congress May Restrict Public Access to Private Jet Tracking

Good news may be coming for Elon Musk and other uberwealthy folks with private jets. The FAA reauthorization bill, which was recently passed by the House, may soon block the public from learning about the flights people take on private jets, according to Axios. While it may be good news in the eyes of the rich, it’s…


FAA Seeks Federal Charges for 22 Additional Unruly Passengers

The last few years have been hell on most of us, but flight attendants in particular have faced a barrage of bad behavior. Now the Federal Aviation Administration is recommending another 22 of those unruly passengers face federal charges.


Commercial Flight Avoids Collision with Private Jet

A private jet and a Airbus A320 commercial aircraft got a little too close for comfort in the skies above southern Florida last weekend.