Homebarry e wilmore

barry e wilmore

Starliner’s Return, Truck Bloat Controlled, and Jon Bon Jovi’s Life-Saving Act: Beyond Cars Roundup

Boeing’s first foray into manned space flight has been an unmitigated cock up. Starliner launched to the International Space Station with two astronauts onboard in June and landed back on Earth two months later without them after issues were uncovered with the craft. Now, more problems have surfaced during Starliner’s…


“Boeing Starliner: A Timeline of Issues | Giga Gears”

The Boeing Starliner finally plopped down in the New Mexico desert last week after spending three months in orbit. The beleaguered spacecraft suffered technical problems during its rendezvous with the International Space Station. It drastically prolonged the eight-day mission as engineers raced to identify the issue…


Boeing Starliner’s Return to Earth Expected on Friday | Giga Gears

The Boeing Starliner’s hatch is closed, and the months-long debacle in low Earth orbit is nearly over. NASA confirmed that the troubled spacecraft will undock from the International Space Station at 6:04 p.m. EDT on Friday. From there, the Starliner will begin an autonomous re-entry with a scheduled landing at White…


Ford Truck Falls from Bridge, Cruise Ships Navigate Underneath Bridge in This Week’s Beyond Cars Roundup | Giga Gears

Americans have a real issue with restrictions on their roads, whether it’s speed limits that nobody sticks to, height restrictions that all kinds of tall vehicles miss or weight limits that certain bridges can’t sustain. Case in point, a driver in Maine crashed through a historic crossing last month after attempting…


NASA to Rapidly Separate Starliner from ISS Due to Troubled Thrusters | Giga Gears

With NASA announcing that astronauts Butch Wilmore and Suni Williams will return to Earth next March on SpaceX’s Crew-9 mission, the focus quickly shifted to what will happen to the beleaguered Boeing Starliner. The space agency plans to autonomously undock the craft from the International Space Station but fears the…