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battery electric vehicle

Building EVs Requires More Workers: Giga Gears

When Donald Trump traveled to Michigan to speak with workers at a non-union auto parts supplier that reportedly pays less than McDonald’s does, he attacked the Biden administration for its support of electric vehicles. “Hundreds of thousands of American jobs, your jobs, will be gone forever,” Trump told his audience.…


Countries Discuss Reversing Fossil Fuel Car Bans

In the wake of the United Kingdom Prime Minister opening discussions on potentially delaying the country’s ban on the sale of new gas and diesel cars, we thought it might be a good idea to look at how well some countries are prepared for their own self-imposed bans. How many countries are actually on track to meet…


Trump Seeks UAW Support Against Electric Vehicles

In the middle of the North American International Auto Show in Detroit, on the brink of maybe the largest UAW strike in history, and embroiled in a somewhat messy electric vehicle production ramp-up nationwide, former President and Fulton County co-defendant Donald Trump took to social media to bash EVs and Biden in…


EV Adoption Varies Significantly Across States

Good morning! It’s Tuesday, September 5, 2023, and this is The Morning Shift, your daily roundup of the top automotive headlines from around the world, in one place. Here are the important stories you need to know.


Nissan Leaf’s Disappointing Exit after Waiting for EV Popularity

Poor Nissan Leaf. Being first never brought it success. Being cheap with decent range at a time when very few other electric cars are, also, hasn’t paid off. EVs have crossed over into the sort of mundane conversation you have with extended family over Thanksgiving dinner, and still nobody will give the Leaf any damn…