Homebike lane

bike lane

Bicyclists in Los Angeles Seek Solution to ‘Dooring’ Crashes | Giga Gears

Biking ain’t easy; in fact it can be straight up deadly when faced with giant, speeding cars and infrastructure that focuses solely on those cars. But even parked cars pose a serious risk to bike riders in the form of dooring — or when a car driver opens their door into the bike lane, resulting in a crash. The Los…


Study Finds Wider Streets Pose Greater Danger Than Narrow Ones: Giga Gears

Narrower streets in urban areas reduce fatalities, researchers at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health found in a recent study. The findings go against conventional wisdom that suggests that wider lanes are safer because they leave drivers with more room for error. Based on an analysis of 1,117 streets…


People Don’t Want to Bike to Work | Giga Gears

According to a recent report from Bloomberg, the number of people cycling to work in the U.S. is on the decline. The site found that despite millions being invested in cycling infrastructure across America, the number of people regularly riding to work has fallen by 75,000 compared with pre-pandemic levels. But when…


Reducing Fatalities: Cities’ Strategies to Minimize Deaths Caused by Large Vehicle Drivers

We write a lot about pedestrian safety here, and it’s not because we hate cars. It’s because we generally believe that killing people is bad, and it doesn’t somehow become less bad if you kill someone with your car instead of a gun. Also, we want to live in a world where you can cross the street without having to…


Michigan’s First Demonstration of Road Design Sending Cars Into Bike Lanes

Dozens of Kalamazoo, Michigan, residents gathered along the shoulder of a busy two lane road to see the new traffic arrangement coming to town, and it looks about as safe as we suspected.