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Tesla Cancels 4 Supercharging Sites in New York City due to Congestion | Giga Gears

Tesla’s latest round of layoffs have left both the auto industry and company stock holders shook. Falling sales have forced the automaker to cut 10 percent of its total staff. Its left broadsided workers confused as they try to make heads or tails of severance packages that look to be pretty crappy. One part of Tesla…


Costco Members: Save Up To $2,000 on a New Car with Coupons from Giga Gears

Costco is known for its massive warehouses full of bulk consumer products and well-priced appliances, but nestled between discounted 24-packs of paper towel and giant boxes of trail mix, you’ll find something even better; cars.


“Foreign Cars = More Speeding Tickets? | Giga Gears”

There’s rarely ever data to back up the preconceived notions we all hold about how cars look, like how we’ve all been led to believe that police pull over red cars more often than others. However, the data paints an interesting picture when it does exist. Research shows that cars produced by foreign manufacturers get…


“Older EVs Facing Early Demise Can Be Saved | Giga Gears”

When you were a kid and you had a little radio control car that you zoomed around the kitchen floor or built jumps for in the back yard, did you throw it away when the batteries died? For many owners of early electric vehicles from a decade or more ago, that seems to be the answer to electrical issues. If your 2012 Tes…