

Top Performance Cars: Street Stars, Track Flops | Giga Gears

With performance cars, some people can go into them thinking that they’ll be an all-around performer; something they can daily, take to the track and then continue driving it normally the following day. While some automakers successfully pull that off with models like the Hyundai Elantra N and the Honda Civic Type R,…


“Worst Cars by Birth Year | Giga Gears”

On Tuesday, we asked you all what the worst car from the year you were born was because, well, it’s a lot more fun to complain and ridicule than it is to say nice things. Unsurprisingly, a lot of the answers were American, but that’s what we get for having a lot of readers who were born in the 1970s and ‘80s. Still, a…


Ford Mustang Beats Dodge Challenger and Chevy Camaro in Final Year of Sale

The Chevrolet Camaro, Dodge Challenger and Ford Mustang rivalry is one of the oldest in the automotive world. These cars have traded blows for decades, be it on the street, on the racetrack or in yearly sales. 2023 saw the Chevy Camaro and Dodge Challenger drive off to the great dealership in the sky, and it looks…


2024 Brings the End of These Nameplates | Giga Gears

We are losing some Real Ones this year, folks. Much has been said about the demise of the Dodge Charger and Challenger and Chrysler 300 line, but there are other models that are quietly sinking into automotive history, too.


’90s Cars: Revisiting Their Legacy | Giga Gears

The 1990s weren’t as great as we remember them to be. I’m as guilty as any of you of regard the time before I had internet as the golden age of automotive enthusiasm. The cars were better then, right? No. We all have rose-colored glasses. The cars were built like crap, they were gutless, they were unreliable, and many…