

Best Car to Buy After Divorce | Giga Gears

Ronnie just got divorced and with a new chapter in his life he wants to upgrade his old Camry to something a little sportier while still getting decent gas mileage. With a budget of about $30,000, what car should he buy?


“Top States, Cars, and Movies for Driving: QOTD Roundup | Giga Gears”

The United States has myriad wonders to behold, from California to Maine and Alaska to Florida, yet accessing those wonders usually requires driving — something that, in many states is bad. Last week, we asked you for the worst states to drive in, and today we’re going through your responses. Please, if you’re from…


“Top 2 American-Made Cars Today | Giga Gears”

Three words: Made in America. We Americans carry quite a bit of national pride when it comes to our homegrown car manufacturers, be they Fords, Chevys, or Mopar. On this, the fourth day of the month of July, we celebrate American independence. Given the current political climate, however, I know why I’m not feeling…


Top 3-Year-Old Cars Recommended by Consumer Reports

Compared to 40 or 50 years ago, new cars are so much more reliable, it’s not even a contest. Still, some cars are naturally going to be more reliable than others, and with the latest technologies often being pretty expensive to repair, you’re going to want something long lasting if you plan to keep your car for more…


“Wildest Automotive Parts Sharing Examples | Giga Gears”

It’s an expensive proposition to build cars, especially when you’ve got to make sure every part of it complies with every letter of the law. That’s why, sometimes, automakers will decide to use an off-the-shelf part on their new car. It’s just cheaper and easier, but it also provides a fun game for car nerds like us.…